
Brian G. Spare

Professionally, Brian G. Spare has worn a few hats in his day. Throughout the 1980s, he was a medical laboratory technologist. In 1990, he became an entrepreneur founding and running an environmental lab, Tara Scientific Laboratories, for nine years. Then, during the early 2000s, he managed a geochemical and fire assay lab. He became proficient with all of it, but his longing was to be a writer. After the geochemical lab, Brian decided it was time for a career change and to follow his dreams. He never looked back. Brian became a copywriter starting BGS Communications in 2010 writing articles, papers and ads as well as edit books. He found his artistic talents and join Toastmasters to become a public speaker. Now, he’s an author too.

A Personal Note

As well as writing professionally, I write to answer the call of my creative spirit and simply because I like to. I’ve written on a myriad of topics from people to places.

I enjoyed Herman Melville’s 1851 classic Moby-Dick, but the old English made it difficult to read. I thought, This book needs to be transcribed into modern English. I decided that I would do it. Well, somebody had to. The Hunt for Moby Dick (Translated) was the result.

Next, I want to return to writing a historical fiction trilogy. My favourite genre. Stay tuned, there are lots more ideas in my head yet to be penned.

My Books

The Hunt for Moby Dick (Translated)

“… To the last I grapple with thee … thou damned whale …” Capt. Ahab

An excerpt from ‘The Hunt for Moby Dick (Translated)’

Available at all major online retailers

Videos to Watch

My Favourite Christmas Present

Ah, to be a kid again!

A Child of the Universe

How I found myself again when life changed.

Desiderata as narrated by Les Crane

Max Ehrmann’s Desiderata – My inspiration for A Child of the Universe.

Life’s Changes

Finding your home in a world of change.

Friendly GIANTs Showcase

Interviews with the GIANTs – adapting and belonging to life as you age.

GIANT stands for Grand Individuals Aging with Neighbours in Thunder Bay.

Nancy’s Article About Me

Determination to Spare

Nancy’s article started my writing venture with Bayview Magazine. See it here:

Click to access bv6-9-pdf-article.pdf

My Other Works & Blog Posts

Visit the Stories page or see below.

In My Own Words

I am a thinker and a very creative person by nature. I love to work with my hands and head and put my heart into all of it. Life is a journey and I am with it all the way ready to embark on the next adventure life has for me.

Contact Brian